Emsella Treatment -(Male Treatment Protocol)
Say goodbye to incontinence and hello to more confidence
Men with frequent urge to urinate, nighttime urination, or post-prostate surgery
95% Satisfaction Rate
Includes 6 Emsella Treatments (full protocol)
Less frequent bathroom trips, no more accidental leaks
Perform 12,000 supramaximal contractions in 30 minutes with no pain
Men with the frequent urge to urinate reported in 40% - 80% of male patients
A mix of urge and stress affects 10-30% of male patients
Passage of wind without being able to hold it in
Men with lack of blood flow affecting satisfaction and erectile dysfunction
Men with decreased sensation, could be after surgery, athletic activity, or sitting
Non-invasive treatent done fully clothed with no downtime
100% of patients studied on ultrasound detected improvement in muscle tone
Improved sexual satisfaction
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