About Us

Ascend Aesthetics is the leading natural weight loss and body contouring center in Lincoln, NE. If you are looking for a treatment tailored to you which doesn't involve injections, drugs, or painful recoveries, you are in the right place. 

Discover the perfect combination of fast, easy, and permanent body transformations in Lincoln, NE. It's time to start the solution you've been searching for! 

Come find what you've been looking for!

The demand for safe, affordable, and easy options has only increased in the last few years. We've taken all of the guesswork out of skin care, body care, and weight loss for you. You can melt fat away helping you lose inches quickly, and tighten your skin so that you can feel great! Looking for a boost in your metabolism? We have exactly what you need. Tension that needs massaged away? It's time to take care of yourself. 

Self Care is Health Care

By taking care of myself I have so much more to offer the world than I do when I am running on empty.

Hi! I'm Dr. Olivia Bayer, and I know the struggle to starting (or keeping up with) the journey. We are proud to be the go-to for health and wellness treatments in Lincoln, NE! Trust me, I've tried it all and hand-curated only the best of the best to share with you. It's time that these options aren't the best-kept-secret in town! Taking care of yourself is a difficult, yet an important task that we all must handle every single day. Let us guide you through this journey of self-discovery and self-help.

Our focus is on each individual and formulating a specialized plan to support and promote health, nutrition, aesthetics, performance, recovery, and more.

You're not in this alone :) 

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