The beginning of your weight loss journey can be one of the most daunting things you ever face. You’re about to change your life in more ways than one and while you may be a little nervous, excited, and having a mix of emotions one of the best ways to get started is to set goals for yourself!

Some weight loss goals examples could be losing 10 or 20 pounds, shedding an inch, exercising longer, or even sticking to your diet for a whole week, these are all amazing. When you accomplish these things, the best way you can motivate yourself to keep going is by giving yourself a reward (who doesn’t love a little celebration, am I right?!

It can be tempting to allow yourself a favorite snack, or a day away from the gym. But, when you’re working so hard to set new habits for yourself, that kind of reward can be a step back. 

Here are ten weight loss goal rewards that won’t mess up your progress and have you feeling energized and excited to keep on going!

1. Treat Yourself With A Gift

Is there something on your wish list that you’ve been wanting for a while? You’ve earned it! When you hit a weight loss goal, buy yourself something nice!

A gift to yourself doesn’t have to be material; maybe you need to give yourself permission to do something you love. Now is the perfect time to reward yourself. Plus, when you’ve decided it’s your reward, you can look forward to it and enjoy it for longer. Maybe it’s a new pair of shoes or that workout set you’ve been eyeing in lulu lemon. TREAT YOURSELF. You are the only one on this journey and it’s important for you to celebrate your success. 

2. Make Your Weight Loss Journey Easier

When you start hitting goals, you’ll know you have the willpower to continue on your weight loss journey! Reward yourself by making it easier, or by investing more in the process!

Think about getting a personal trainer, maybe joining a new gym, trying a new supplement, or even starting to use dietary supplements like Ascend Slim. 

Even something as simple as asking a friend to be your walking buddy for the day could be a huge help! 

3. Take Something Off Your Plate

If you’ve been steadily working to lower that scale number, you’ve earned a little break! As someone who's been in your shoes before I can tell you that while it can be so rewarding there will be days where it can also feel exhausting.

After grinding at the gym, try and think of things that could eliminate some work off your plate as well that also have you feeling fulfilled.  Ideas like hiring a cleaning service for a day so you don’t have to face the chores when you get back! You’ve been counting calories all week – have a fresh and healthy meal delivered instead of cooking!

 Taking a little responsibility off of your to-do list is a great reward for a short-term goal! It’s something that you can repeat often, and look forward to on a regular basis. Be sure to hit those goals first! Your time is valuable and sometimes the reward that contributes to creating a little more time in your busy schedule is just what you need. 

4. Try Something New

There’s nothing better for increasing your motivation than shaking things up a little. If your routine starts feeling bland and boring, find something new to try out when you meet a goal.

One way to make this reward extra special is to cater it to your goals. Maybe there’s something you wouldn’t have been able to do at your previous weight or health level – now is the time to try it out! Going for a hike, trying a dance class, entering in a 5k, no matter what that activity is, the fact that you are trying something new that the old you may have never done before is a reward in itself!

5. Take a Day Off

You heard it here first, Doctor’s orders - Take the day off! Of course, don’t have a cheat day regarding your diet and exercise, but do take a day off from work or other responsibilities! Have a day out or in to relax and revel in the person you’re becoming! Sometimes rest is the best medicine. A day of rest can be rejuvenating, and the pick-me-up you need to continue working on accomplishing everything on your weight loss goal chart. Plus, if you take the time to destress, even your long-term goals may start to feel more manageable.

6.  Lights, Camera, Action 

When was the last time you had professional photos taken? If you’re starting to look different, it’s the perfect time to update the pictures in your house. While the old you is beautiful and strong, You’ll have tangible proof of how great you look, and you can share them with others, too!

Book an appointment with a photographer, or have your friends take your picture! The main idea is to have shots that aren’t selfies. You’ll feel like a model and get to see how others see you!

A photoshoot is also a great way to mark your progress as you continue meeting and setting weight loss goals. I have had so many clients who don’t feel like they see much change physically but when they see a picture they can’t believe the progress that has been made.

7. Try a New Look

Changing up your appearance is the perfect way to complement your weight loss. Start with a fresh new makeup palette, make a change to your hair color or style or maybe it’s time to spruce up that closet.

A new look doesn’t have to be drastic. Trying out accessories you may not have worn before losing weight is a great reward too. Even a new shade of nail polish can be refreshing and exciting!

If you’re happy with your style, reward yourself with an attitude change! Pay yourself some much-deserved compliments every time you accomplish a goal!

8. Spa Day

What better way to celebrate getting closer to your ideal body than to pamper yourself? You can have your own bubble bath and facial at home, or go to a professional spa for some real indulgence.

If you opt for the home treatment, go all out! Light candles,  pour in as much bubble bath as you want, throw on the face mask, and put on that audiobook you swore you would finish this year! 

A mini spa day can be fun as well! You can get a massage, a facial, or have your nails done! Self-care is a version of self-love.

9. Throw a Party

Meeting your goals is cause for celebration! Host a party of your friends and family to share your success. It will also show the people supporting you how much you appreciate them. 

If a party isn’t your thing, going out to have fun with friends can be a great reward as well. It’s good to take a break for a bit and let loose. Sometimes a night out is the best way to keep the spirit alive and the excitement flowing. 

10. Brand New Clothes

After slimming down, you’re not going to fit into your old clothes anymore. A great reward for hitting your weight loss goals is a new wardrobe. Show off your new waistline with clothing that makes you feel and look great!

If your budget isn’t amenable to restocking your whole closet, try to get at least one totally new outfit. Then, you can also buy new belts to upstyle the rest of your clothes!

Always Give Yourself Weight Loss Goal Rewards

Having weight loss goal rewards will help you stay motivated while you adjust to a new, healthy lifestyle! Remember to treat yourself regularly while working towards your goals.

Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier you? Learn more about the Ascend Slim program to decide if it’s right for you!  And then let’s get started!

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